Asian Pacific Association for Study of The Liver (APASL

Indonesia as one of APASL's country member, had the honor of being appointed as the host for the APASL 2020 or the 29th Annual Conference of APASL (Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver). The event was held in 4 - 8 March 2020 at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Bali.

In this APASL 2020, AEG (Asian EUS Group) gave the Workshop on Endoscopy Course, of which THC exclusively supported. In this workshop, we focused the lectures on various endoscopy topics, such as: endoscopic polypectomy in patients with advanced liver disease, ERCP and cholangioscopy in hepatobiliary diseases, EUS innovation in hepatobiliary disorders, moving the diagnostic scene in liver biopsy (FNA versus FNB), IDUS in biliary malignancy, impact of EUS in gallbladder drainage in clinical practice, and current status EUS-guided biliary drainage for benign and malignant biliary obstruction.

We also provided 4 endoscopy towers for the hands-on practice. THC together with our principals, are committed to support our medical Associations in Indonesia, especially PPHI in this event (Perhimpunan Peneliti Hati Indonesia), with quality Continuous Medical Education as part of our alignment with our country's vision "Visi Indonesia Sehat 2025".

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